07 Mar 2016

208 migrants rescued by EUNAVFOR MED operation Sophia’s assets

On Sunday 6th March 2016, a EUNAVFOR MED operation Sophia’s Task Force joint effort has led to the rescue of 208 migrants in distress while sailing towards Europe on board two rubber boats 30 Nautical Miles North of Tripoli.

Both migrants’ boats were firstly spotted in the early morning by the Spanish air force aircraft VIGMA D-4  during an Intelligence and Surveillance flight, and suddenly reported their position to the Italian Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre that requested EUNAVFOR MED Force Headquarters to intervene.

One rubber boat was then assigned to the German corvette LUDWIGSHAFEN  that, with the support of the Spanish frigate Numancia , rescued 121 migrants disembarked today, 7th March, in Augusta harbour (Italy).

87 migrants were instead saved by the UK ship Enterprise , from the other rubber boat, with the support of an Italian ship operating under the Italian operation “Mare Sicuro” mandate, before transferring all of them on board a FRONTEX ship operating in the area.

Launched on 22nd of June 2015, following a European Council decision, upon request by the competent Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC), in accordance with the International Law of the Sea, and fully respecting Refugee Conventions, EUNAVFOR MED operation Sophia ’s assets have been involved in 61 rescue operations saving more than 10 thousand lives.