16 Feb 2016

EUNAVFOR MED and the Italian Red Cross strengthen their partnership

Recently, during a port visit in Augusta (Italy), a representative of the Volunteer Nurses of the Italian Red Cross have donated to EUNAVFOR MED operation Sophia ’s  Flagship Cavour a load of clothes to be used in case of rescue operations.

Coming from donations to the Italian Red Cross, these clothes will be very useful when rescuing migrants especially in these days in which the cold weather puts additional risks to their lives.

Furthermore, on the path for a stronger partnership with EUNAVFOR MED, during the same port visit eight volunteer nurses of the Italian Red Cross have joined the operation on board ITS Cavour enhancing the medical capabilities of the ship’s hospital.

Launched last 22nd of June 2015with the main objective of undertaking systematic efforts to identify, capture and dispose of vessels used by migrant smugglers or traffickers, EUNAVFOR MED, has set a wide net of cooperation with all the main actors currently dealing with migration. The partnership with the Italian Red Cross is another key-step towards the common objective of stopping the human traffickers in the Mediterranean Sea.