27 Jan 2016

First rescue operation for the Spanish frigate Numancia

On January 27th, while conducting an Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance flight as part of EUNAVFOR MED efforts to tackle human smugglers and traffickers activity in the centre Mediterranean Sea, the Spanish air force aircraft VIGMA D-4  spotted two rubber boats in distress in International Waters north of Libyan coast.

The Spanish frigate Numancia , that has joined operation Sophia last week, was called to intervene on one of the rubber boats by the Italian Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre saving, in total, 113 lives.

ESPS Numancia will now transfer all migrants to a Frontex ship operating in the area as part of operation Triton.

EUNAVFOR MED operation SOPHIA  launched on the 22nd of June 2015, is part of a wider EU’s comprehensive approach to migration, tackling both current symptoms and root causes such as conflict, poverty, climate change and persecution.