22 Jan 2016

The German ship Berlin rescue 245 people in her last day at sea in EUNAVFOR MED operation Sophia

245 migrants have been rescued today by the German auxiliary ship FGS BERLIN  that, while operating in International Waters off the coast of Libya, was asked to intervene on two rubber boats in distress by the Italian Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre.

The ship, in her last day at sea as part of EUNAVFOR MED operation Sophia Task Force, is now heading towards Lampedusa Island to disembark all migrants and then proceed to Augusta harbor where she will be substituted by the German Auxiliary ship FGS FRANKFURT AM MAIN.

Launched on 22nd of June 2015, following a European Council decision, EUNAVFOR MED operation Sophia, whilst contributing to the disruption of the business model of human smuggling and trafficking networks in the Central Mediterranean, is also aimed at preventing the further loss of life at sea. In 6 months, upon request by the competent Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC), in accordance with the International Law of the Sea, and fully respecting Refugee Conventions, EUNAVFOR MED operation Sophia assets have saved more than 8700 lives.