11 Jan 2016

Joint effort to save lives in the Central Mediterranean Sea

This morning following a request from the Italian Maritime Rescue Center the Spanish Maritime Patrol Aircraft P3 Orion , operating under EUNAVFOR MED, mandate spotted two migrants rubber boats in distress, in International Waters, north of the Libyan coast.

The Slovenian Patrol Ship TRIGLAV  and the Spanish Frigate CANARIAS  were immediately tasked to save migrants’ lives; 130 people have been then rescued and transferred on board the above mentioned Spanish frigate while another group was rescued by an Italian Coast Guard Vessel operating in the area.

SPS CANARIAS and the Italian Coast Guard Vessel are now sailing towards Lampedusa Island to disembark the migrants.

Since the operation launch, last 22ndof June 2015, upon request by the competent Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC), EUNAVFOR MED operation Sophia assets have saved almost 8500 lives.