Operation Sophia: New training modules in Italy
A Training “Package 2” module, in favour of Libyan Coastguard and Navy personnel, started in the Italian Navy training Centres (La Maddalena and Taranto).
In the wider framework of Libyan Coastguard and Navy training carried out by SOPHIA operation, the Italian Navy Training Centres in LA MADDALENA and TARANTO provide a new training opportunity to Libyan Officers. The training modules on the subject of “Deck Officer Course”, “Mechanical Engineer Officer Course” and “Electrical Basic Engineer Officer Course” are in favour of 78 Libyan Officers, in total.
The training will last 4 weeks and will conclude the 27th of September.
From October 2016, Operation SOPHIA is fully involved in training the Libyan Coastguard and Navy to improve security within the Libyan territorial waters and in Central Mediterranean Sea.
Alike every training opportunities provided by Operation Sophia, in addition to the specific matters taught during the courses, additional classes integrate the professional education enhancing the focus on Human Rights, to include minors and women’s rights, Basic First Aid, Gender Policy and correct handling procedure to treat migrants in occasion of search and rescue (SAR) activities.
Counting the numbers, upon conclusion of these courses, Operation Sophia provided training to more than 500 Libyan Coastguard and Navy personnel.
Looking at the future, with the contribution of other EU Member States, other training modules are scheduled to enhance the Libyan Coastguard and Navy operational capability for a more secure Central Mediterranean Sea.