14 Dec 2015

The slovenian corvette SLS TRIGLAV 11 saves more than 100 lives

Two rubber boats, sailing in poor conditions in the Mediterranean Sea, were spotted in the morning by the Spanish EUNAVFOR MED operation Sophia’s air asset, the P3 Orion.

The Slovenian corvette SLS TRIGLAV 11 operating within Operation Sophia since last month of October was asked to intervene by the competent Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) in favor of one the boats while the other was rescued by a civilian ship belonging to an ONG.

At the end of the rescue 109 migrants were transferred on board the TRIGLAV and then conveyed to the BOURBON ARGOS, ship belonging to “Medicine Sans Frontiere” that proceeded to the port of disembarkation.

Since the operation launch, last 22ndof June, EUNAVFOR MED operation Sophia assets have been involved in 34 rescue operations saving nearly 7000 lives.