25 Feb 2016

The Spanish Chief of Joint Operational Command visits EUNAVFOR MED operation Sophia Task Force

During a two day visit, the Spanish Chief of Joint Operational Command, Admiral Teodoro Lopez Esteban Calderon, has joined the Spanish air and naval assets assigned to EUNAVFOR MED operation SOPHIA  as well the mission flag ship ITS CAVOUR .

On February 22nd, Admiral Calderòn arrived in Sigonella Air Base, witnessing the operational contribution provided the Spanish Grappa Detachment along with their CN-235 VIGMA D-4  aircraft.  Speaking to personnel, the Chief of the Spanish Joint Operations Command was able encourage them to maintain the willingness and motivation they have demonstrated in their excellent support to EUNAVFOR MED Operation Sophia.

Leaving Sigonella, he flew to the frigate Numancia  by Spanish organic AB 212  helicopter.  Welcomed aboard by the Commanding Officer, Admiral Calderòn received briefs on ship preparations to disrupt the smugglers’ business model as well as to conduct the rescue of migrants. The Admiral also had the opportunity to watch a SOLAS exercise and tour key compartments involved in SOLAS events.

Having spent the night at sea aboard Numancia, Admiral Calderón, flew aboard the operation flag ship ITS Cavour where he was welcomed aboard by EUNAVFOR MED Force Commander and the ship Commanding Officer.

The Force Commander briefed Admiral Calderon on the many aspects of the operation highlighting the valuable support in terms of personnel and equipment contributed by Spain.  The briefing was then followed by a tour of staff areas, the combat operational centre and ship’s hospital.  The tour ended on the command bridge with a close sail past of Numancia accompanied by the European anthem.

Before leaving on board one of the Italian EH-101 helicopters embarked on the flagship, Admiral Calderon expressed his gratitude for the warm welcome to the Force Commander and the ship Commanding Officer.

Following a European Council decision, EUNAVFOR MED operation Sophia was launched on 22nd of June 2015, with the aim to contribute to the disruption of the business model of human smuggling and trafficking networks in the Central Mediterranean and the prevention of further loss of life at sea.